Knowledge Base


3Laws Blogs on


This section lists some of the research publications produced by the 3Laws team:


This section contains a curated selection of videos to meetings, workshops and conference talks on the topics of Control Barrier Functions and Run-time Assurance.

Control Barrier Functions

Aaron Ames - Safety-Critical Control of Autonomous Systems

Aaron Ames - Control Barrier Functions for Safe Robot Autonomy

Aaron Ames - Safety-Critical Control of Dynamic Robots

Aaron Ames - Guaranteeing Safety of Learned Perception Modules via Measurement-Robust Control Barrier Functions

Federico Califano - Introduction to Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) and energy-based CBFs

Georgios Fainekos - Control barrier functions & neural networks for handling risk and uncertainty in autonomous systems

Jason Choi - Introduction to Control Lyapunov Functions and Control Barrier Functions

Jason Choi - Robust Control Barrier-Value Functions for Safety-Critical Control

Jason Choi - Safety Filters for Uncertain Dynamical Systems: Control Theory & Data-driven Approaches

Lars Lindermann - Learning Hybrid Control Barrier Functions from Data

Ruben Grandia - Multi-Layered Safety for Legged Robots via Control Barrier Functions & MPC (ICRA 2021 Presentation)

Sander Tonkens - Refining CBFs through Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability (IROS 2022 Presentation)

Sylvia Herbert - Connections between HJ Reachability Analysis and CBF

Sze Zheng Yong - Robust Control Barrier Functions with Set-Membership Estimation and Learning

Wenceslao Shaw Cortez - Differentiable Predictive Control with Safety Guarantees: A Control Barrier Function Approach

Wenceslao Shaw Cortez - Correct-by-Design Control Barrier Functions for Euler-Lagrange Systems with Input Constraints

Yuxiao Chen - Towards safe multiagent autonomy

Run-Time Assurance

Dio De Niz - Certifiable Distributed Runtime Assurance (CDRA)

Hesham Shageer - Run-time assurance via real-time generation of trajectory and transverse dynamics regulation law

Kerianne Hobbs - Autonomy on a Leash

Mark Skoog - Leveraging Multi-Monitor Run-Time Assurance

Matthew Abate - Verification and Runtime Assurance for Dynamical Systems with Uncertainty